What if leaning in didn’t mean doing more, it meant being more? 
What if leaning in meant leaning into our soul, into our silence, into our trust, into our pleasure? 
What if we’ve gotten it all wrong, thinking hustle and drive are the ways to make things happen? 
Thinking the TEDx Leaders talking all about grit are the ones who will save the day 

What if the ability to push through challenges wasn’t actually what we were meant to do? 
What if challenges were more often redirects to an easier pathway? 
What if it wasn’t SUPPOSED to be hard? 
What if we could tell the difference between an obstacle that is a growth opportunity
And an obstacle that screams “Go a different way!” 

What if pushing a boulder up hill was just that? 
What if all this time all we needed to do was slow down, surrender, and trust? 
What if everything we dreamed was on the other side of our pleasure? 
Our surrender? 
Our love? 

What if we never needed another alarm clock 
Or another smart watch bossing us from meeting to meeting 
And still trusted our ability to be productive 
Perhaps even MORE productive 
While in flow 

What if instead of looking for secrets answered by our ancestors 
We looked forward to our future 
What if instead of being addicted to our past evolution 
We paved the way forward to something new 

What if we stopped trying to mimic what we did 1,000 years ago 
And realized those lessons were for them, not US? 
And instead we started looking forward 1,000 years 
And thought, what kind of life am I building for tomorrow? 

What if instead of optimizing efficiency, output, productivity 
We optimized for love, joy, and bliss 

What if we were truly convinced we could survive 
Without having to slog it through the day 
What if, as we adapted this new way of being 
We made it possible for others 
And elevated each other 

And all beings 
As one 

What if… 
What if… 

What if? 

    1 Response to "What if…"

    • Victoria

      What if we could tell the difference between an obstacle that is a growth opportunity
      And an obstacle that screams “Go a different way!” —

      I think that is a key 🔑 part

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